Lab managers can set up pre-run and run-time data acquisition checks for minimizing common errors. The touchscreen provides the interface for setting the checks. From the Home screen, the path to the workflows is . The Acquisition Checks screen offers Pre-Run Checks and Run-Time Checks.
Note: This feature works with Empower 3.8.0 and later.
Data acquisition can proceed when all active pre-run checks pass. Checks can include:
- Column must be installed: Checks whether a column is installed in the column heater, but only if using a Waters column with a readable tag.
- Column must match method: Checks whether the installed column is appropriate for the selected method, but only if using a Waters column with a readable tag.
- No pending preventative maintenance: Checks the date set by .
- System is qualified: Checks the date set by . This date must be supported by valid documentation and test results and is typically updated when a Waters engineer re-qualifies the system. Data acquisition cannot proceed if qualification is expired.
- Mobile phase is not expired: Checks the date for each of the mobile phase solvents (A, B, C, D) used by the method.
- Sample plates must be installed
- Sample plates must match method
- All vials present
Data acquisition halts when run-time checks detect selected issues while sample sets are running. Checks can include:
- Mobile phase is low: When any mobile phase solvent bottle is less than 10% full.
- Wash solvent is low: When any wash solvent bottle is less than 10% full.
- Leak is detected: Always enabled. Checking of the pump, column, detector, or Sample Manager leak sensors is controlled by .
- Vial is missing: Always enabled. Checking for vials in the locations specified for the sample set is automatic.