Waters offers a comprehensive range of analytical system solutions, software, and services for scientists. Liquid Chromatography. Mass Spectrometry. Waters is the leading provider of lab equipment, supplies and software for scientists across the world. Easily research and order everything your lab needs! Waters offers a comprehensive range of analytical system solutions, software, and services for scientists. Liquid Chromatography. Mass Spectrometry. Waters is the leading provider of lab equipment, supplies and software for scientists across the world. Easily research and order everything your lab needs!
Alliance iS HPLC Systems 执行液相色谱分析,以分离、识别和定量液体混合物中的组分。它支持的色谱柱粒径低至 2.7 µm,支持的压力高达 12,000 psi,适用于常规实验室分析。Alliance iS HPLC System 标配 TUV 或 PDA 检测器的 UV 吸光度检测。
注: Alliance iS 带制冷功能的柱温箱 (CHC) 是一种交流电供电设备,用于容纳 Alliance iS HPLC Systems 执行 HPLC(高压液相色谱)分离时要使用的流路色谱柱。CHC 组件可为色谱柱提供 4 °C 至 90 °C 的温度。如果 LC 色谱柱配备无源 NFC 标签 (13.56 MHz),系统会在 CHC 的前门关闭时读取该标签。正常情况下,在门关闭服务事件发生之前,天线电路不会激活。标签中的数据将存储在系统中。